Sonic Wave Technology

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm
  Contact : (844) 454-PAIN

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Peggy Graley

After living in darkness to avoid severe ocular migraines Peggy was losing hope that her headache would ever go away. In fact, she says she has had a headache for more than 15 years and that she has tried everything to make it go away. With much skepticism she decided to give sonic wave a try. Wait to you hear her amazing testimony about how sonic wave technology has changed her life.

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Shirley Balinger

Shirley has suffered with pain in numerous parts of her body for years. Her neck, back and legs were causing her to walk with a cane hunched over and she could only turn her head partially. Listen to how sonic wave technology has her doing the things she once enjoyed pain free. She says she feels like she has her life back.

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Luis Rivera

Luis suffered a severe injury due to a drunk driver hitting his car many years ago that almost cost him his hand. Doctors were able to reattach it but not without decades of pain associated with the injury. Now he is finding relief for the first time in not only his hand but other areas of his body. Hear what he has to say about sonic wave technology.

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Kyle Graley

Living in pain was something Kyle had come to accept. He was desperate for relief but became discouraged when nothing seemed to work and he did not want to surrender to prescription pain relief and risk addiction. Hear what he has to say about the instant relief he has found with sonic wave technology.

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Mark Singer

Like many people, Mark experienced pain when he exerted himself in the yard and he knew a previous injury was bound to flare up when he exerted himself. He thought he was just going to live with the pain as he aged. That was until his wife introduced him to sonic wave technology which has him living pain free once again.

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Renee Singer

Renee has tried everything from injections, to massage, medications and even surgery with little success to relieve her from debilitating back and neck pain. Desperate for relief she tried sonic wave technology as her last hope. Hear what she has to say about this revolutionary technology.

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